Friday, September 2, 2011

Emo Day

This few days , I am quite emo as many of my friends are going overseas. Some are going for studying , some for travelling.

I cannot follow them as I dont have MONEY /......... bolui ...what to do .......

the main reason for emo is not bcos I cant go bcos i am going to miss them from the days they leave malaysia ........

I recall back my memory in UNI ....i really wanna go back to UNI life .... I swear I will pay attention, I will pour much more love and care to each other ..............

it is not possible to reverse the time...what can I do now is to live my life to the fullest and most meaningful...wat u say ?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Living to work OR Working to live

Sometimes, we are so blur on whether we are living to work or working to live. This happens especially in those auditing industries whereby everyone works like hell , earns for bits, no time no life. Then shall I say they are living to work. They are born to be the so called working cows? or anything else?

Sometimes life is suck and hard. We have no choice and we often choose to be living to work but in fact we want to work for earning a living. Sometime we have been blind-folded by the job titles, the job opp until we lose the meaning of LIFE.

What to do ?

Anyone who has solution on how we can avoid from falling into the wrong pathway? I dont think we can be easily avoid as we choose to do that way ...... as what make us blind is MONEY ..........

Anyway , if anyone can find a soulution for this , please share to me. TQ